
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jesse Jackson - Disarm the Citizens, Put Them on Hold, Then Bring in the DHS Troops


Jesse Jackson is suddenly aware of the high crime rate in Chicago, and he wants the Department of Homeland Security to patrol the city’s streets in the name of keeping people safe. What does he think they’re going to do, pat down all of the bad guys?
But how did the situation in Chicago get so bad in the first place? The city’s leaders disarmed all law-abiding citizens by passing outrageous gun control laws that gave criminals the upper hand. By definition, criminals don’t follow gun laws, so they remain armed and more confident than ever. Police are outgunned and citizens are outgunned, and the result is that Chicago has the highest murder rate of any city in the world. (This is called cause and effect.) (Read More)
Maybe the Chicago PD can get them to respond to 911 calls, since the police won’t be doing it.

"What difference does it make?!!" - Hillary

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