
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Earth - Denying the Science....

Small Dead Animals...
The New York Times Andrew Revkin, via No Tricks Zone;
The climate scientist James Annan sent these thoughts by email:
'Well, the press release is a bit strange, because it sounds like it is talking about the Aldrin et al paper which was published some time ago, to no great fanfare. I don't know if they have a further update to that.
Anyway, there have now been several recent papers showing much the same - numerous factors including: the increase in positive forcing (CO2 and the recent work on black carbon), decrease in estimated negative forcing (aerosols), combined with the stubborn refusal of the planet to warm as had been predicted over the last decade, all makes a high climate sensitivity increasingly untenable. A value (slightly) under 2 is certainly looking a whole lot more plausible than anything above 4.5.'
Lots, lots more at WUWT on the fallout.Earth 

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