
Saturday, February 2, 2013

CNN: Here Are Five Freedoms You’d Lose Under ObamaCare

from American Glob by Aleister:

CNN: Here Are Five Freedoms You’d Lose Under ObamaCare:
File this under, now they tell us???

5 freedoms you’d lose in health care reform

If you read the fine print in the Congressional plans, you’ll find that a lot of cherished aspects of the current system would disappear.

NEW YORK (Fortune) — In promoting his health-care agenda, President Obama has repeatedly reassured Americans that they can keep their existing health plans — and that the benefits and access they prize will be enhanced through reform.
A close reading of the two main bills, one backed by Democrats in the House and the other issued by Sen. Edward Kennedy’s Health committee, contradict the President’s assurances. To be sure, it isn’t easy to comb through their 2,000 pages of tortured legal language. But page by page, the bills reveal a web of restrictions, fines, and mandates that would radically change your health-care coverage.
Not to worry. As Obama said, if you like your plan you can keep your plan.
For now.

There is no bias at CNN. No. Not at all.  See, they're telling us what we lose with ObamaCare....

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