from Via Meadia by Walter Russell Mead:
America’s Religious Divide:
An old religious conflict is leaving town; a new one is moving in.
For hundreds of years, religious differences in Europe between Protestants and Catholics led to persecution and war.
These days,... What draws conservative Protestants and Catholics together is a concern that liberals and secularists would like to drive religion out of the public square; as AI blogger Peter Berger puts it, to make religion something that consenting adults do together in private. Former religious enemies are drawing closely together at least partly out of fear of what they see as a common foe. The great divide in American religion today is no longer between Protestant and Catholic or even between Christian and Jew; it is between the liberal and the conservative versions of these great historic faiths.
It's long over due too. The foe, though, is not secularism, an acceptance of all religions with none above the others, but rather a rejection of all religion, an atheocracy.
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