
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Apodaca, NC Senate push back against Obamacare...

from Local News from Times-News:

Apodaca, NC Senate push back against Obamacare:

North Carolina's General Assembly is freezing any state work on a new one-stop shop to help people buy affordable health insurance, and ordering unspent federal funds returned.

Sen. Tom Apodaca and two co-sponsors introduced legislation in the state Senate Wednesday to opt out of participation in several costly provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare.

Apodaca, Sen. Harry Brown and Sen. Bob Rucho filed Senate Bill 4 to exempt North Carolina from establishing a state-based health insurance exchange or a state-federal partnership exchange.

"Obamacare was forced on us against our will by the federal government and they should shoulder the burden of implementing it," Apodaca said. "Any claim that North Carolina would ‘control' this program is nothing more than an illusion."

Senate Bill 4 also rules out expansion of the N.C. Medicaid program. House lawmakers on Wednesday filed an identical bill.

All resistance is good resistance.

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